

1 Account Settings

-Tap ”Settings” button at the top left.

 You can also select the “Add Mail Account” cell when there is no account.




2 Add New Account

- Tap “+” button at the top left.

3 Select the Account type.

 Select ”Others” if account is not Gmail,Yahoo! Mail or iCloud, either.

4 Input Account information

-Name This name will be used as a sender name in the sending mail.

-MailAddress MailAddress

-Password Password for POP and IMAP SMTP AUTH

-DisplayName This name will be used as account's name in this application.

Tap ”Next” button. (5)

5 Input Account detail information

Incoming Mail Server and Outgoing Mail Server are required.

Active Active or Inactive

  This button synchronizes with On/Off button on the main menu.

Name Name

MailAddress Mail Address

Password Password

DisplayName DisplayName

Incoming Mail Server


Server Incoming Server Name or IP Address

SSL Use this option if possible.

PortNumber Port Number of Incoming Server

UserName Username for Incoming Server

Password Password for Incoming Server

Use STARTTLS Use this option if possible.

Outgoing Mail Server

Server Outgoing Server Name or IP Address

SSL Use this option if possible.

PortNumber Port Number of Outgoing Server

UserName Username for Outgoing Server(SMTP AUTH)

Password Password for Outgoing Server( SMTP AUTH)

Use STARTTLS Use this option if possible.

Tap ”Finish” button

“Save without TEST” to add this account. (7)

“Test this Settings” to test these settings. (6)

6 Test Account Settings

Test  starts automatically.


Server Status of Incoming server connection

User Status of authentication of Incoming server


Server Status of Outgoing server connection

User Status of authentication of Incoming server i if necessary

Status Test progress. You can see the test log when test is completed

Tap ”Save” button” when test is completed. (7)

Tap ”Cancel” button to cancel and modify settings. (5)

7 List of Accounts

Tap “+” button to setup another account if necessary. (3)

Tap ”Done” button to finish Account settings.

Tap “MailBoxes” button to return Main Menu

You can begin to receive e-mail to pull the table view down.

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